


The saddest words ever to be spoken have not yet occurred, but we know what they are and who will say them. When Jesus says "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels " Matt 25:41 (KJV) Our "Streams of Ministry" are the extended hands of Rivers of Living Water Outreach, to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit those in prison, nursing homes, hospital, and wherever and whatever God will allow us to do.

Worship Opportunities
Bay City                          Richwood

Sunday                                                  Dates To Be Determined

      Morning Worship    9:30 am                          Special Services


     Bible Study                 7:00 pm 

Conference Call 667-770-1025 Access Code: 165843


Outreach & Care

Mission Ministry (Jail, Prison, Nursing Home)

Hospital and Home Visitation Ministry

Call of Concern


Bereavement Ministry

Feed the Needy

ROLW Community Well (501(c)3 CDC)